Profile Phone Numbers

Learn how to share phone numbers on employee profiles.

Katie Liming avatar
Written by Katie Liming
Updated this week

Did you know you can display your team's phone numbers for everyone to see and access for easy contact and connections? Learn how below! πŸ‘‡

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πŸ‘‰ Before you start:

  • This feature is available under all Trainual plans.

  • Only those with Admin+ permissions can access and change account settings.

To enable phone number display:

  1. Expand the "Account" options from the left-hand navigation menu.

  2. Choose "Settings."

  3. Scroll down to "Display phone numbers on employee profiles."

  4. Activate the toggle to the on position to display phone numbers. Your account update is saved automatically.

    Screen Capture on 2024-04-24 at 13-44-14.gif


How do my team members add their phone numbers to their own accounts?

Team members can add their phone numbers through their personal "My settings" pages from their own Trainual profiles.

Learn more ways to connect and manage your teammates:

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