Emojis 😃

Use emojis to liven up and categorize your content.

Emojis. You know you love them. Or maybe you don't. 😆 But hey, when used well, they can add some pizazz to your content. Yes...pizazz!



Subject titles with emojis:

You can select an emoji to display along with the subject title.



This is super useful because it lets you create a visual distinction between your different subjects. Plus, it looks awesome. 🤩




🔥 Tip: Use the same emoji for related subjects to indicate a series.


This is how subject title emojis look from the "Home" page. Pretty snazzy, right?! 😉



Topic and step titles with emojis:

You can select an emoji to display along with the topic and step titles.









Add Emojis within your step content:
  1. Navigate to the step where you want to add emojis to your content.


  2. Press the "Insert" button at the top of the editor.


  3. Choose the "Emoji" button to pull open the emoji menu.



  4. Select the emoji you would like to add.


  5. The emoji will appear in your content. 🎉



Add Emojis with your keyboard:
  1. Navigate to the step where you want to add emojis to your content.


  2. Type in the colon ":" to pull up the emoji key.



  3. Begin typing the name of the emoji you are looking for.



  4. Click the emoji to add it to your content.


Emojify your content:

Bulk add emojis to your step content with our "Emojify" Smart Tools AI feature!

  1. Highlight the content in the step you would like to bulk add emojis to.


  2. The "Smart Tools" menu will populate after you highlight text.


  3. Press the dropdown menu and select "Emojify."


  4. The platform will take a moment to read your content and decide on the best emojis. This may take a moment; please do not refresh.

Your content now has super awesome emojis! 🎉




Learn more about making your content stand out:
  • Adjust your Trainual brand styles to make your playbook reflect your business.

  • Customize the terminology for your team's content categories in your account.

  • Encourage your team to keep their "My settings" personal information up to date.