Learn how to add or remove seats from your Trainual subscription.
By managing your preferred number of user seats on your account, you can keep track of how many spots you are actually using and make any necessary adjustments. Adding or removing seats throughout the year can help you manage your team's access to the platform and allocate resources more effectively.

👉 Before you start:
This account management feature is available on all Trainual plans but may look different depending on the size of your company. Please feel free to contact support for further assistance if needed.
Only Billing Admin permission levels have access to perform the steps below.
To add more seats:
Expand the "Account" options tab from the left-hand navigation menu.
Select the "Billing & plans" link.
Click the "Add More Users" button from under the section labeled "Plan Summary."
Change the "Total Seats" number to your desired amount.
Hit the "Next" button to continue.
Review the prorated charge and confirm your payment details.
Finalize the seat update by clicking the "Confirm & Pay" button. The seats you've added will be made available immediately.
📝 Please note: When you add seats to your plan, your immediate charge is determined by the prorated cost of adding those seats through the end of your current billing cycle.
To remove seats:
Expand the "Account" options tab from the left-hand navigation menu.
Select the "Billing & plans" link.
Click the "Add More Users" button from under the section labeled "Plan Summary."
Change the "Total Seats" number to your desired amount.
Hit the "Next" button to continue.
Review the changes and confirm your payment details are still up-to-date.
Finalize the seat update by clicking the "Confirm & Pay" button. The seats you've removed will be withdrawn immediately.
📝 Please note: If you reduce the number of seats in your plan, your account will be credited or charged a prorated amount. This amount is dependent upon what you have paid to date and the unused time under your current billing plan. If you are credited, your future payments will pull from this amount until it runs out.
👉 Refunds are not offered on these credits. You can review this policy on the terms page.

Learn more about managing your Trainual subscription:
Review account charges and download receipts on the "Billing & plans" page.
Double-check and update your card payment method on file.
Temporarily pause your Trainual account usage by switching to the Hold plan.