Contributor Permission Overview

Learn what Contributors in Trainual can and cannot do within the platform.


This permission allows a user to participate in the creation of content without the ability to publish it. The Contributor permission is ideal for subject matter experts who simply contribute content.


A Contributor can:

  • Edit subjects that have been assigned to them, including Trainual templates.

  • Change topic status to "Pending Review."

  • Access the Home page.

A Contributor cannot:

  • Create new subjects.

  • Add templates from the Trainual template index page.

  • Publish or assign subjects.

  • Edit subjects that have yet to be assigned to them.

  • Move or reorganize subjects between companies, policies, and processes.

🔥 Tip: Be sure to double-check that the subject content access given also matches the permissions and responsibilities you are looking to grant these teammates.


👀 See the Contributor view below:



Editing Content

If a Contributor edits an already "Finished" topic, the status will not automatically convert to "Draft" or "Pending Review." The Contributor will manually need to update the status.

If a Contributor creates a new Topic in an existing Subject, they will only be able to choose between "Draft" or "Pending Review" for the topic status.



Learn more about permission levels: