Learn how to add some flair to your content with stock images.
Are you looking to brighten up your training? Our stock image library holds thousands of images you can add to your Trainual content right from your editing experience! 🎉
📝 Please note: Only content creators will have access to this feature. For more specifics around which pieces of content your teammates can see and update, review their current permissions and subject content access levels.
To insert stock images, follow these steps:
Navigate to the "Content" page from the left-hand menu.
Open your step by locating it from within the tab and under the subject where it currently "lives" — Company, Policies, or Processes.
Toggle to the "Insert" view and click the "Image" option from the toolbar. You'll want to make sure to select "Stock image" from this drop-down menu.
Search for your preferred image by entering related keywords.
Click the "Add image" button to insert your selection into your step.
To resize your image:
Simply click on the image you've just inserted and "grab" the edges to pull the image inward to make it smaller or pull it outward to make it bigger.
Or, click on the image, then hit the three dots in the upper right-hand corner to open an editing menu. You'll have the ability to default the image to display at a small, medium, or large-sized level.
Learn more about adding content: