Find out more about the notifications sent and triggered from your Trainual account with this handy list.
It can be hard to keep track of when and where your team gets notified about changes in your account. So, of course, you want to understand how notifications work to be sure Trainual is keeping your team up-to-date and in the know!

Check out the list below for answers to all your notification questions. If you need an extra layer of support, don't forget that we're always here to help. 🤓
📝 Remember:
Desktop and web app notifications display in real-time and can be viewed when you log in to Trainual and click the notification bell from the top navigation menu.
All updates that trigger an email notification are combined and sent together in a daily update email. That means email notifications are sent every 24 hours rather than immediately. (That way, your team isn't bombarded with a bunch of separate emails throughout the day!)
The only email sent immediately is the Share changes email.
🔑 Key
Yes = A notification is triggered
No = A notification is NOT triggered
📥 Assigning a subject
Email: Yes
Web App: Yes
Mobile Application: Yes
Email: Yes
Web App: No
Mobile Application: No
Email: Yes
Web App: No
Mobile Application: Yes
Email: Yes
Web App: No
Mobile Application: No
Email: Yes
Web App: Yes
Mobile Application: Yes
Email: No
Web App: No
Mobile Application: No
🌟 Learn more about notifications:
Information sent in the Daily Update Email
Where to find in-app notifications from the Top Navigation bar