Loom x Trainual Integration

Learn how to create screen recordings right in Trainual.

Create easy-to-follow video instructions right where you’re working with the in-app Loom integration. Capture your screen, video, and audio, and instantly embed your recording in a step. Bonus: Subtitles (AKA closed captioning) are automatically generated for any screencast with audio.

To record a Loom:

  1. Locate (or create) the step where you’d like to add your video.

  2. Click the REC button in the Insert section of the text editor.

  3. Give Loom permission to access your webcam and microphone (you’ll only have to do this once).

  4. Click "Start recording."

  5. Select whether you’d like to record your tab, entire screen, or window.

  6. Keep your step open as you record content.

    🚨 Important note: You can open up new windows and tabs as you record, but do not navigate away from the page you started on (your step). If you close out of that tab or window, you’ll delete your recording.

  7. When you’re finished, navigate back to the step where you started your video and select the stop button (red square) to stop recording.

  8. Click "Insert recording."

Video Tutorial

About Loom:

After you have recorded 5 videos in Trainual, you’ll be prompted to create a free “Starter” plan Loom account through the Trainual x Loom integration. This is separate from any previous Loom accounts you had set up prior to begin with Trainual and this connection will give you access to create an unlimited number of screencast videos that auto-embed right in your steps, as long as you follow this note!

⭐️ About your Loom Starter plan: You get an unlimited number of Loom recordings through the Trainual app only. Once you have your account set up via the Trainual x Loom integration, you’ll be able to edit videos, track views, view reactions, and more in your Loom library!

🗒️ Please note:

  • Loom will continue recording your screen when you go to a new tab, but the video will only be recorded while you’re on a Trainual step. Loom will only work on Google Chrome v90+, Microsoft Edge v90+ & Brave v1.22+ at this time.

  • The camera bubble is limited to the tab that your Trainual account is open on, you are unable to move the camera bubble to different screens, windows, or tabs.

  • You can create a shared Loom account for all your content creators, or everyone can create their own free Loom account through Trainual.

Loom security


When you record a Loom video using the in-app recorder, the video's privacy settings are automatically set to "Anyone with the link can view."

👀 A video shared with Anyone with the link can be viewed by anyone who has the link to your video, no login or Loom account is required.

🔐 A video shared to Only people added can access can only be viewed by anyone whose email you've added when sharing your video.

🏢 A video shared with People in your Company, can be viewed by anyone within the same business Loom account as you. They'll need to log in to view the video.

An Admin of a workspace can modify the privacy level of this setting by going to Workspace Settings > General to Private link settings. From here, you can set videos to:

  • People in your Company, which allows any member in your email domain to view videos (Private link settings).

  • Members in your Workspace, which allows any member of your Workspace in Loom to view videos.

Outside users can request to view the video in case you forgot to make the video available to them. Visit Loom's Help Center to learn how to give your videos an added layer of privacy.

Learn more about adding videos: