Content Discoverability: Unassigned User Access

Learn how to control what your team can find and access when they go searching for answers in your company's Trainual.

Allow all your users to surface all content across Trainual using search (or, hide certain policies and processes from employees unless they're shared with them directly) with this super flexible added content control feature — content discoverability levels!


👉 Before you start:

  • This feature option is available on all Trainual plans.

  • Only "Full" subject content access levels will be able to edit this subject setting.

  • The information below is best suited for account Admins and content creators. For more specifics around which areas of the account and pieces of content your employees can access, review their permissions.


🗂️ Table of contents: Skip around to just the parts you need with these links.

  • How to open and set a content discoverability level.

  • Overviewing all content discoverability options available for subjects.

  • FAQs.

  • Learn more about managing training.



To open and set a content discoverability level:

  1. Navigate to the Content page from the left-hand menu.

  2. Locate and open the subject you'd like to manage from the Content page.

  3. Hit the "Share" button on the upper right-hand corner of the subject edit page.

  4. Open the drop-down menu underneath the "Once published, how will this subject be accessed in the account?" header for all your content options.



  5. Choose an access option and hitSave.”


Need a bit more guidance on content access options? See below. 👇


To overview the content discoverability options:



Request Overview: Require employees to get approval before viewing unassigned content they find in search results.


Examples: Growth path training for internal team positions, cross-departmental content, and client information.


Discoverable Overview: Allow employees to search for and immediately view the information they need to keep operations running smoothly across the organization.


Examples: Common organizational knowledge, optional certification opportunities, and daily operational guides, such as how to use the office printer.


Private Overview: Keep confidential information hidden from everyone but Admins and direct assignees.


Examples: Individualized employee growth path training, access codes and instructions for any restricted knowledge, and leadership training.



📝 Please note: If you do not actively select one of these choices, the subject access defaults to “Request.”




What content is findable using the top search bar?

All non-private content (content set to discover and request) is searchable through Trainual’s AI-powered search bar. Note that the user will only see the subject name and will have to get approval before viewing the contents of a requested subject.


How do I manage requests for subject access?

You'll need to approve or deny any open/pending subject requests by heading to the Content page and clicking "Requests" on the top right.



Learn more about managing training: