Learn how to manage content on a subject page.
After you have created a subject on the Content page within either the company, policies, or processes tab, you can adjust several features for that subject.

Navigate to the "Content" page from the left-hand menu. Click the tab where your subject (company, policies, or processes) and select your preferred subject.
From there, you can manage the following sections:
Access completion requirements, set due dates, and more by adjusting advanced subject settings.
📊 View report
Jump straight to the reports page for a subject to view your team's progress by person or by topic/test.

👥 Users assigned
Assign your team and manage subject content access for a single subject.

👔 Roles assigned
Bulk-assign multiple roles to a single subject in the roles assigned section.

📘 Add a topic
Add a new topic from the subject page.

📝 Add a test
Add a new test from the subject page.
✍️ To edit a subject title:
Hover over your subject title.
Click on the pencil icon.
Enter a new name for your subject.
Click away from the text field or press "Enter" on your keyboard.

📖 To edit a subject description:
Press the "Auto-compose" button under the subject title and "Owned by" section.
Trainual will auto-generate a subject description using the title of your subject and the titles of your topics.
Press the "Use this!" button to add the generated description or "Try again" if you don't like what first populates.
Learn more about managing subjects:
🌻 SEOs: Rename, Re Name, Relabel, Re Label, Change, Changes, Update, Updates