Learn how to synchronously work together on content creation inside of Trainual steps.
Experience editing together with the co-creating content tool. Instantly identify who’s editing alongside you and see real-time updates from them on every step.
👉 Before you start:
- This feature is available under all Trainual plans.
- The information below is best suited for content creators. For more specifics around which areas of the account and pieces of content your employees can access, review their permissions and subject content access.
🗂️ Table of contents: Skip around to just the parts you need with these links.
See who else is working on a Trainual step:
- Navigate to the step you'd like to edit.
- Locate and hover over the avatar(s) at the top of your step content to see who else is currently in this content.
- Make step adjustments alongside your teammate(s), or schedule time to collaborate on your projects!
📝 Please note: Real-time content edits only display below the step title at this time. The following will require a refresh to your browser page to see updates:
- Status change.
- Step title.
- New steps added (and reordering of steps.)
- Cover images.
- Emojis.
How can I submit my feedback and ideas about features?
If you'd like to share your thoughts about this feature or think of something else you'd like to see added in the future, send us your feature requests and ideas.
Learn more about managing content with your team:
- Establish a content creation team to help build out your business playbook.
- Customize the order and cadence training is delivered in to individual users.
- Maintain quality and compliance using the content verification setting.