
Learn how to require an e-signature for policies inside of Trainual.

Looking to add an extra layer of acknowledgment and accountability to the information you are providing to your teammates? Turn on e-signatures at the topic level to ensure everything is being reviewed thoroughly!

👉 Before you start:

  • E-signatures are only available under select subscriptions. Reach out to support directly to see if your plan qualifies. 📧

  • This account setting can only be turned ON or OFF through a web browser by those with Admin+ permission levels.

  • NEW: E-signatures can now be signed and completed by trainees through our mobile app on both iOS and Android.

To manage the ability to require or not require e-signatures:

  1. Expand the Account options from the left-hand navigation menu.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. Locate and toggle "Allow e-signatures" to the ON or OFF position.

    1. Optional: Add more permission levels to this section for any content creators who need the ability to include e-signature requirements on their topics.

    2. Remember, Billing Admins will always be able to require e-signatures when this feature is turned ON.

To set and require an e-signature on a topic:

  1. Navigate to a subject under the Policies tab.

  2. Find the topic you'd like to require an e-signature on.

  3. Click on the three dots to the right of your topic and click "Require e-signature."

  4. Confirm the changes were finalized by looking for blue banner notification that states "E-signature requirement added" in the top right-hand corner of your page.

🚨 Reminder: If you edit a topic's title or any content within a topic that requires an e-signature, it will make everyone re-sign the content. Be sure to catch any misspellings and last-minute updates before turning on your e-signature requirement! (Don't worry – you'll get a warning before any edits go through so you don't accidentally reset any e-signature completions.)

To remove an e-signature requirement from a topic:

  1. Navigate to the topic that currently requires an e-signature.

  2. Click on the three dots to the right of this topic and click "Remove e-signature."

To see what this process looks like from a trainee's perspective:

When an assignee reaches the end of a topic that requires an e-signature, the "Mark Completed" button will instead say "Sign and complete." In order for them to proceed, they will need to sign and agree to all of the information you've outlined previously before this content can be marked as finished in the system.

A pop-up window will appear that includes the entire overview of the topic information for a final review. The system will then prompt them to "Start signing," and they will be required to provide a signature before they can proceed.

Once they are completely done reviewing and signing the document, they just have to hit "Finish," and the system will record their full completion of the topic.

🔥 Tip: Make sure everyone on your team has a “Reports to” person selected on their profiles so their direct manager can receive a copy of their signed document via email. If somebody doesn’t have a manager selected, the Billing Admin on file in the account will receive the copy instead.


What happens if I edit a topic with an e-signature enabled?

Some content editing actions are disabled by e-signature, this will prevent you from needing to have team members who have already signed the document needing to sign again. If you must make an update to this document, you will need to disable e-signature first.

Billing Admins will able to edit but will get that prompt first (are you sure you want to reset e-signatures?)

Why wouldn't I just use the completion percentages feature option to hold my team accountable?

Completion percentages are a good way to know if your team has reviewed important policies assigned to them, but e-signatures are a better way to ensure you and your team are in agreement and have an understanding of expectations and set rules for your company.

At what content level can I require an e-signature?

E-signatures can only be required for topics in policies at this time.

How many e-signatures can I require and collect per month?

Plans that qualify to use this feature currently have access to 25 free e-signature collections per month, but you and the team can require and collect as many signatures as needed.

Just know that after your account has recorded all free e-signatures for each month, each e-signature after that is $1. These additional signatures will be added to a monthly billing cycle collection, even if you are on a yearly billing cycle for your Trainual platform subscription.

How do I know how many e-signatures I've already used this month?

You can always see how many free e-signatures you have left, and any extra e-signatures your account will be charged for from the Billing & plans page.

How can I be sure I am continuously keeping track of how many e-signatures I have remaining?

Notifications will always be sent to Billing Admins via the top navigation bar when there are only 5 remaining signatures left on an account. An additional notification will go out when there are 0 left.

I want to run a report on e-signatures. How do I do this?

To learn how to download a report reflecting who has signed documents on which pieces of content or any other report, please visit our Reports help article for step-by-step instructions.

How can I access a copy of a signed topic document?

Check out the "Download an e-signature report for an individual team member" section of the Reports help article for step-by-step instructions.

At what level can I hold my team accountable for their e-signatures?

Trainual uses the tool PandaDoc to process our e-signatures. Their tool is compliant with general e-signature regulations and tracks info such as IP address, etc. You will have access to all of that information in a document once the user signs. For the latest information and further details, please visit the PandaDoc Q&A section.

To learn about more ways to increase content accountability:

🌻 SEOs: Esignature, Esignatures, E Signature, Esig, E Sig, E-Sig, Attestation, Confirm, Agree, Agreement, Mobile, iOS, Android, iPhone