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Create & Organize Content in Trainual

Learn how to start building content using blank subjects, pre-made customizable templates, and other easy content-creation tools.

Ready to start documenting your business SOPs but are not sure how or where to begin? This guide will walk you through the process and show you what tools can help.


🎥 Watch this on-demand video replay to review all this and more:


💡 After this video, you will be able to...


Finding your creation flow and process:

Building content for an entire organization can, at first, feel overwhelming, and there is really no perfect time to start. We've strived to reduce those anxious feelings by providing features that make it simpler than ever to create documentation step by step.


Try creating content in this order, using some of these tools, to get your toes wet!


📋 Step 1: Outline your content.

 Fully outline topic and step structures first, so that you can put all your effort toward filling in the blanks. Request the AI-powered feature Smart Outline to do it for you. 


📚 Step 2: Organize your outline.

A good way to organize your topics and steps is in the same way you would prepare discussion items for a presentation. Check out more about this strategy here.


🗂️ Step 3: Create full training drafts.
Be sure you've captured all the major "need to knows" during your first run-through. An efficient way to draft this would be to generate content with Trainual Compose.



Be sure to schedule breathers in between the work. 😉 And know that when you take the time to optimally build and organize your content in a way that works best for you and your team, you help to create the most engaging company training for your people.


🔥 Tip: You don't have to do it all alone. Build a content creation team to help!


👉 Up Next:

Keep the learning going by heading to the "Get Ready To Publish and Level up Your Content" article to find out how to plan to release your training to the team.


Need some extra help first?

Email support@trainual.com or press on the bubble on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to start a chat to let us know what you need help with. ↘️



Learn more about creating content: